Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random Bits

Looks like I kinda fell off the blogging wagon there for a bit. I guess a week sans blog doesn't really qualify as "off the wagon" though. It's more like I was wrapped around the wheel, cartoon style, as the wagon made its way down a gravel path strewn with detritus of all kinds. But I have found my way back (!) and am now sitting comfortably on a haystack enjoying the view...covered in gravel and detritus, naturally. There are no showers on a wagon. Especially a metaphorical blogging wagon.

There really hasn't been much to blog about lately, and I didn't want to just ramble on about nothing in particular. Heh. As though I don't just ramble anyway.

I've taken a few weeks off from posting about More to Love, and I think I've waited a reasonable amount of time to curb any sort of obsession rumors that may be floating around. At this point in the show, there are only 3 (THREE!) ladies left in the man hunt, and I am SHOCKED with the selection. First of all, and trust me, this isn't the shocking part, Luke had decided to keep the four (as of the prior week) thinnest women on the show. One of the women doesn't even appear to have a weight problem. She's just cute. AND she's a fitness trainer! I'm calling a foul on that one. The shocking part in all of this is that the remaining women have not once even considered (or the producers edited out their consideration) that Luke may not be right for THEM. Ugh. I overlooked this in the beginning because you don't really need to life-screen a first date, but things are getting serious gals, and as much as I support Fox's portrayal of the people on this show, I would really hate for the final message to be a resounding, "Take what you can get, fatty!"

Ahem, moving on. I'm prayerfully considering buying a new bed. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? The one I have now is a hot mess. I've had it since senior year of college and it's really seemed to lost its will to live. Most annoyingly, the metal frame is stuck in the temperamental toddler years and can't make up its mind if it wants to stay in an upright and locked position or if it wants to randomly and without warning fall apart. Before you get any ideas, I assure you that there hasn't been any "vigorous use" issues that could account for such unusual bed frame behavior. Even the slightest movement threatens to upset the delicate balance and one time, I kid you not, my bed dropped an inch and a half after a small cough. Additionally, the mattress is lumpy and mounds up in the middle. No me gusta. So, Cheapy McGee over here has to throw down some funds for a new bed. Boooo.

Finally, I tried to hang some art work on my living room wall over the weekend only to find out that my living room wall is made of f-ing concrete. Instead of artwork, I have a really nice hole in the paint about 2/3 of the way in. Very art deco.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHA "vigourous activity"... ha! I would support your decision to purchase a bed. Labor Day sales can be quite advantageous - though hard to fit a new bed on a motorcycle. I hadn't considered this MTL fact, it is true Luke has gone with the skinny fat girls - interesting... now, get to work. chop chop!